Changes to Paid Subscriptions at Abnormally Normal
But don't worry, you will still receive the weekly or sometimes fortnightly newsletters

Firstly, you are all amazing! Thank you to everyone who has taken out a paid subscription to Abnormally Normal.
Due to my time commitments, there will be a few changes to Abnormally Normal.
Fret not, Abnormally Normal is not going anywhere, but I can not honour the promise of Sunday articles/newsletters along with the free ones during the week.
Therefore, I’m removing the paid option and setting Abnormally Normal to free subscribers only, and newsletters will likely be once a week or sometimes once a fortnight, depending on my own commitments, instead of twice a week as they currently are.
All paid subscribers will revert to free subscribers.
If you pay a monthly subscription, this will be canceled. You will receive a pro-rata refund if you have paid a yearly subscription.
Please still hang about, and feel free to forward any newsletters that resonate with you to your friends.
This is just a courtesy message to make you aware of these changes. You do …