We are all abnormally normal; you are not alone in the woods.
Abnormally Normal is for everyone who has ever felt on the outside. We dig into social norms, culture, gender, patriarchy, friendship, living without children - whether childfree or childless, mental health, pronatalism, and so much more.
It can be lonely on the outside. Abornally normal is here to bring you into the circle and show you that you are not alone.
I’ve always felt like a square peg forced into a round hole. I never quite fit in. I’m too much of one thing or not enough of something else.
Do you feel this too?
I pave my own path and go against expectations. I’m not rebellious; my yearnings simply don’t match what is considered “normal.” But the more I open up, the more I find kindred spirits.
Perhaps I am normal after all. Maybe, we are all just abnormally normal.
Are you abnormally normal?
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