Everyone Has an Opinion but There’s Only One Voice You Need To Listen To
Let their voices wash over you
It can feel nauseating to be bombarded with opinions. A certain groundlessness and dizziness come with other people’s opinions. And I don’t mean opinions about general life events, politics, or current affairs. I mean other people’s opinions on your life.
You know what they say about opinions, right? They are like assholes, and everyone has one.
Don’t get me wrong; sometimes we welcome the opinions of others. But all too often, people feel at liberty to open their mouths and fart, leaving us feeling slightly attacked, undermined, or deflated.
You’re the one in the arena
I’m sure you’ve been in a position where it seems everyone around you is trying to tell you how to live your life. While they may think they have your best interests at heart, they simply see you as a carbon copy of them. In reality, they aren’t giving you advice, they are speaking to themselves!
A prime example of this is a good friend trying to convince me to have children. She did not…