The Lesser-Known Link Between Manipulation and Our Response To Blame
Learn to change how you respond to blame
Engaging with people who reside in a state of blame sometimes seems pointless. You know the ones - they believe their shit doesn’t stink - and according to their twisted view, everyone else is at fault. Not only are they delusional, but until recently, I actually believed their accusations.
We all make mistakes; as Alexander Pope said, “To err is human.”
But there’s a gigantic difference between those who take responsibility for their mishaps, claiming accountability for their actions and those whose shoulders are made of Teflon.
People who are quick to blame others are often the least self-aware.
In my experience, the faster someone allocates blame, the quicker they are at claiming credit. There’s often a cocksure attitude that accompanies these types. But guess what? It’s all an act. Their ego is desperate for praise and status, so they fudge the facts and use everyone around them as a scapegoat for their actions. Blamers are insecure people!
“You’re maki…