Turn Yourself Inside Out and Feel the Warmth From the World
You don't need to hide your inner self, come out and introduce yourself

I spent most of my life protecting my inner self, concealing her from the public eye. I was ashamed of my sensitivity. I put on a front to appear “cool” and become popular. I adopted this role for so long that I lost touch with who I really was.
The reality is I’m just a simple creature who believes in kindness.
My own past behaviour makes me wonder how many of us are hiding, too afraid to show our authentic selves. Fearful that if the world sees us for who we really are, we will be rejected, laughed at, and ostracised. So instead, we try and be like everyone else.
But betraying ourselves and being like everyone else is suffocating and a desperate form of self-sabotage.
Slowly but surely, I’ve come back to myself. Like the watering of a dying plant, it took time and care, but I’m here. And this time, instead of being ashamed of myself, I have learned to celebrate myself for all that I am and all that I am not.
For most of my life, I’ve been despe…